Join the Movement
The experts have told us that pausing several times during the day to reframe our thoughts will truly allow us to live our best life. The challenge is that we don’t know HOW to do this. How can we remember to remember? This simple mindfulness tool could be the solution for you.

Have you been meaning to pause?
If your goal is to achieve greater mindfulness throughout each day, our bracelet is a wonderful tool to help you reframe your thoughts and enhance your resolve.
Meaning to Pause® bracelets provide a gentle vibration every 60 or 90 minutes prompting you to redirect your thoughts and focus on what is important to you.
Global Sync
Global Sync is an opportunity for the entire world to come together at the same time. The power of unified thought is the most powerful tool we have. The goal is one common voice coming from earth and reaching the heavens in a unified effort.
Simply sync your bracelet by pressing the sync button at the 12:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Best Sellers

Pema Chödrön
Our Meaning to Pause® vibrating bracelets were mentioned by Pema Chödrön on her series "Awake in Every Moment"!
Organizations →
We know that entire organizations can greatly benefit from pausing in a common effort.Take for instance Alcoholics Anonymous – whose participants are taught to “take one day at a time.”...
Family →
Many of today’s most admired leaders, authors, speakers, pastors, priests and mentors remind us to PAUSE. They say..."If you could just pause for a moment during your busy day to reflect...
Self →
There are many ways to pause for yourself, from performing a random act of kindess to taking a few deep cleaning breaths. Choose to take a few moments throughout the...
Mindfulness →
Many of today’s most admired leaders, authors, speakers, pastors, priests and mentors remind us to PAUSE. They say..."If you could just pause for a moment during your busy day to reflect...